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Flourish Workshops

Leading Change

Managerial courage is a trait found in people who are adept at leading change. It’s a trait that can be learned and practiced.

Not every pastor is good at leading change. Many are good at caring for their people and providing steady pastoral leadership from the pulpit and at the bedside. But the process of Church renewal is at the very least a series of intentional conflicts. Change isn’t easy.

Unfortunately, a lot of ministry leaders who attempt to make changes to policies, programs, or ministries run into conflicts that have long lasting impacts. The emotional toll can burn pastors out, especially if they didn’t engage in the change process very well to begin with.

The Leading Change Workshop grounds managerial courage for pastors in their identity in Christ and gives them the basic tools to begin leading change. It teaches the basic steps in leading change to have more effective conflict and better emotional health through those conflicts.

As a one off session for groups of pastors, or as part of a larger time of continuing education, the Leading Change workshop is essential for pastoral leaders who want to be agents of change in their calling.

If you’d like to talk more about the workshop, or just about courage and leading change, we’d love to spend some time with you. Contact Flourish today to begin the conversation.

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