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Flourish Workshops

Managing Yourself

That day to day work of a pastor and ministry leader can be as diverse as the number of churches there are. Many ministry leaders know their area - theology, bible, music, youth - but the idea of strategically planning their work is foreign to them.

When pastors and ministry leaders attend renewal and revitalization conferences, they’re often given a plan to lead change. But what if there’s a deficit in strategically planning for yourself?

The Managing Yourself workshop equips pastors and ministry leaders with the skills to apply planning and strategy to themselves and their personal work. When this discipline is done well for yourself, then you can start leading it for other people.

If you want to lead renewal in a church, you have to be good at leading and managing yourself. This workshop helps you do that.

Contact Flourish to get the self-management skills you need to lead renewal in your church or ministry.

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