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Paul Hahn

Board Member

Paul is a native of Lakeland, Florida. His grandfather was a  Baptist pastor, and Paul grew up in the church, never knowing a day  when he did not believe in Jesus. Paul attended Yale University where he  played college baseball, graduating in 1984 with a degree in economics.

Through his involvement with Athletes in Action at Yale, a ministry  of Campus Crusade for Christ, God began calling Paul into vocational  ministry and worked in his life in other significant ways – including  meeting his future wife, Fran, then a student at Auburn University, at a  Campus Crusade conference in 1983. Paul and Fran married in 1986, and  moved to Jackson, Mississippi, where Paul attended Reformed Theological  Seminary.

During his time at RTS, Paul was introduced to Reformed University  Fellowship, the PCA’s national university ministry. Paul served as RUF  Campus Minister at Auburn University from 1990 to 1994. Paul and Fran  moved to Texas in 1994 to plant Redeemer Presbyterian Church of Austin,  which the Lord used as the flagship church to begin RUF and  RUF-International at the University of Texas and RUF at Baylor. In 2003,  the Hahns answered a call to plant Redeemer Church of Knoxville,  Tennessee, and spent 12 years there.

In 2016, Paul was called as Coordinator of Mission to North America,  the PCA’s agency giving leadership and direction to church planting,  church renewal and missional partnerships throughout the United States  and Canada. After four years with MNA, Paul and Fran experienced a  strong leading of the Lord back to ministry in the local church, and  moved to Los Angeles, California, where Paul has served since November  2020 as Interim Pastor of Pacific Crossroads Church.

Fran and Paul have been married for thirty-six years and are blessed  with four grown children and three beautiful granddaughters.

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