Brian Howard
I began working in ministry in 1991 as a youth minister at a local church. Since that time I have served in a variety of roles with a wide range of responsibilities all within the context of local church ministry. Most recently (13 years) I planted and pastored a church in Bowling Green, Kentucky. In seminary I owned a window cleaning business and have spent time working in a tire store, and teaching school.
I want to coach pastors because I like to think that the ups and downs of pastoral ministry in the local church will be of benefit to someone else. I enjoy seeing people grow and develop and stewarding their God-given gifts. I believe I am best equipped to coach pastors on discipleship, relationships, navigating the church culture, and working towards a bigger goal.
I enjoy fly fishing and golf. We have two pets: a cat, Betsy, and a dog, Sammie (a girl), who is always glad to see me when I get home in the afternoon!!
Some of the most influential books I've read: Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges (opened my eyes to the wonder of grace), anything by Tim Keller, and A Praying Life by Paul Miller.